Motors contribute greatly to the short circuit currents when phase to earth fault occurs in the power system.
The fault current can be greatly limited to desired value for relay setting discrimination by properly selecting the the NER value.
In this topic we will simulate this action using PowerFactory software.
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The model below shows the motor contributing by 329.690 A to phase-earth fault.
The total fault current is 3,643.840 A. Very high.
In this configuration the NER at transformer secondary = 0 ohms.

The fault current can be greatly limited to desired value for relay setting discrimination by properly selecting the the NER value.
In this topic we will simulate this action using PowerFactory software.
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The model below shows the motor contributing by 329.690 A to phase-earth fault.
The total fault current is 3,643.840 A. Very high.
In this configuration the NER at transformer secondary = 0 ohms.