The following Training Course was organised recently by Albanah LLC.
Course Title : New Developments in Power System Operation and Economics.
Organizers: Albanah Global LLC.
Name Lecturer: Dr A. A. Maqrashi.
Venue of the Sessions: Raisoot Power Station
Course Length: 5 Days
Date of Execution: 02 - 06 April 2011
Summary of the course contents :
Power system consists typically of generators, transformers, transmission lines, busbars, and utility equipment. Some electricity utilities were vertically integrated, generating the electrical energy, transmitting it from the power plants to the load centres and distributing it to individual consumers. In other cases, utility from which consumers purchased electricity was responsible only for its sale and distribution in a local area. This distribution utility in turn had to purchase electrical energy from a generation and transmission utility that had a monopoly over a wider geographical area.
The process of unbundling of electricity was required to separate the production and trading of electrical energy from the operation of this power system to minimise monopoly and ensure security of supply. Security of electricity supply can be defined as the ability of the electrical power system to provide electricity to end-users with a specified level of continuity and quality in a sustainable manner. In the Sultanate of Oman the Royal Decree (RD) No.78/2004 promulgating The Law for the Regulation and Privatisation of the Electricity and Related Water Sector was issued by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said in 2004.
This course is designed to achieve following objectives:

Course Title : New Developments in Power System Operation and Economics.
Organizers: Albanah Global LLC.
Name Lecturer: Dr A. A. Maqrashi.
Venue of the Sessions: Raisoot Power Station
Course Length: 5 Days
Date of Execution: 02 - 06 April 2011
Summary of the course contents :
Power system consists typically of generators, transformers, transmission lines, busbars, and utility equipment. Some electricity utilities were vertically integrated, generating the electrical energy, transmitting it from the power plants to the load centres and distributing it to individual consumers. In other cases, utility from which consumers purchased electricity was responsible only for its sale and distribution in a local area. This distribution utility in turn had to purchase electrical energy from a generation and transmission utility that had a monopoly over a wider geographical area.
The process of unbundling of electricity was required to separate the production and trading of electrical energy from the operation of this power system to minimise monopoly and ensure security of supply. Security of electricity supply can be defined as the ability of the electrical power system to provide electricity to end-users with a specified level of continuity and quality in a sustainable manner. In the Sultanate of Oman the Royal Decree (RD) No.78/2004 promulgating The Law for the Regulation and Privatisation of the Electricity and Related Water Sector was issued by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said in 2004.
This course is designed to achieve following objectives:
- Presenting an overview of power system operations and control.
- Introducing the process of privatization and unbundling of electricity sector.
- Presenting the current structure of electricity market in Oman.
- Introducing the main concepts of economics those are relevant to electricity industry.
- Introducing the different electricity market mechanisms.
- Highlighting the importance of economic dispatch in electricity market.
- Illustrating the different mechanisms for handling the ancillary services in new electricity markets.
- Demonstrating the main constraints in electricity transmission system.