Some of the features mentioned below are already available in the current version, but were enhanced further in 15.1.3
Others are new features that were added after requests from our valuable customers worldwide.
You can also download the product flyer from attachment below.
Drawing and Visualization of Protection Devices :
This includes CTs, VTs in overview diagrams and substation diagrams
It will also show detailed view for connecting
The new version will also display single-line diagrams in plots
This means also showing Graphical Legend for TOC-plot
Distance Protection Coordination Assistant :
This includes User-definable Coordination Area (Paths),
Automatic coordination of distance protection relays,
Determination of relay protection zones, and
Reactive reach via zone-factors
Other Output options also include Tabular Report, Time-Distance Diagram, and Update of Protection Devices.
PowerFactory 15.1.3 adds the possibility to graphically represent in the single line and substation diagrams the current and voltage transformers as well as relay elements. This is done using the Current Transformer, Voltage Transformer and Relay Model buttons.
Signal routing between these elements is performed using the Connector button. The signalling path from the current or voltage transformers to the relevant relays can be explicitly drawn. Current and voltage transformers as well as relays can be created, repositioned and edited within the network diagram as it is the case with any other network element. The newly created elements are also accessible as before from within the Data Manager window by selecting the corresponding cubicle where they have been created. Examples of a substation diagram using the graphical representation of these elements are shown below.
Figure 1 Modelling and Simulation of Overcurrent Relays Using PowerFactory Software
Figure 1 above shows how overcurrent relay can be drawn on graphic.
The current transformer connection to the relay is clearly shown as it exists in the model.
This new feature clearly eliminates the need to draw Single Line Diagrams for the substation because the new PowerFactory model can represent all elements with their details.
Figure 2 Modelling and Simulation of Differential Relays Using PowerFactory Software
Figure 2 above shows the connection of current transformers to a differential protection relay.
It is very clear that the local and remote CTs can now be easily identified and set accordingly by clicking their symbols on the graphic.
This feature is of particular importance when differential protection of transformers is employed as interposing and compensation CT ratios can now be easily selected and simulated.
Figure 3 Modelling and Simulation of Distance Relays Using PowerFactory Software
Figure 3 above shows how PowerFactory 15.1.3 can display distance relays with their relevant current and voltage transformers.
This is again clearly eliminates the need to use the traditional AutoCAD Single Line Diagrams because all symbols and devices in the substations with their data can now be easily displayed by PowerFactory.
Figure 4 Modelling and Simulation of Directional Relays Using PowerFactory Software
Figure 4 above shows similarly how PowerFactory 15.1.3 can display directional relays with their relevant current and biasing voltage transformers. Of course the way symbols are displayed depends on the protection engineer. In the above two diagrams we have shown different ways of drawing and displaying CTs and VT connections to distance and directional relays. PowrFactor 15.1.3 gives full flexibility to the designer.
Figure 5 Display of Overcurrent Coordination Curves and Network Using PowerFactory Software
The diagram above shows another new feature in PowerFactory 15.1.3 which displays the network on the relay characteristics plot.
This means that the protection engineers can now easily coordinate different relays by referring to particular relays directly from the graph.
The colours of the relevant relays are automatically updated on the single line diagram when the user wishes to change the the colours corresponding curves. It is also clear that when short circuit is simulated on the system the diagram shows the relevant location of applying the short circuit simulation.
I have noticed that there are double arrows on the CT connection, what is the reason for this?
It may be in this case the same CT is also connected to measure earth faults.