PF and SW Releases



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  • Registration of Project Transactions

    Registration of Project Transactions

    Welcome to project invoices and transaction processing. Fill all fields below and make sure the form is submitted. ...
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  • Training Course Online Evaluation

    Training Course Online Evaluation

    Welcome to course online evaluation.
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  • Training Course Online Registration

    Training Course Online Registration

    Welcome to course online registration.
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  • Course Online Registration

    Course Online Registration

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  • The Company Products and Services

    The Company Products and Services

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  • PowerFactory License Types For Students and Academic Institutions

    PowerFactory License Types For Students and Academic Institutions

    PowerFactory licences are offered in the categories commercial (PF4C) and research/educational licences (PF4R/PF4E). Special licences are available for students (PF4S/PF4T).


    License is offered to academic and research institutions for utilisation in public funded research projects, i.e. projects financed by governments or other non-profit organisations. A commercial use is not allowed.
    • Functions: pre-defined package
    • Number of nodes: unlimited
    • Licensing:
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  • Completion of DIgSILENT StationWare Protection Management Project for Oman Electricity Transmission Company

    Albanah LLC has recently completed the implementation of DIgSILENT StationWare project for Oman Electricity Transmission Company [OETC]. This project provides a reliable web-based central protection settings database and management system for the complete power system substation data for the Grid stations in OETC electrical network, both to manage the various control parameters and to centrally store substation related information and data. It stores and records all settings in a central database, allows modelling of all relevant workflow sequences, provides quick access to relay manuals, interfaces with manufacturer specific relay settings software, and integrates with PowerFactory software.

    The project implementation covers many grid stations in the entire OETC electrical network. In the first phase, data was collected from all devices and equipment using different techniques and methods. In the second phase, the software was populated with the collected data by making the appropriate models for all substation devices and equipment as per the client requirement.
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  • PowerFactory Quotation Request

    PowerFactory Quotation Request

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  • Short Course on Power System Modelling and Simulation Using DIgSILENT PowerFactory Software

    Analysis and Simulation of Power System Using PowerFactory software

    Introduction :
    This course is designed to achieve following objectives: Acquainting the participants with tools and skills to enable them to use DIgSILENT power system analysis software. Providing the participants ‎ with skills to perform load flow analysis of power system using DIgSILENT software.‎ Providing the participants ‎ with skills to perform fault analysis of power system using DIgS...
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  • Completion of DIgSILENT StationWare Protection Management Project for Mazoon Electricity Company

    Albanah LLC has recently completed the implementation of DIgSILENT StationWare project for Mazoon Electricity Company [MZEC]. This project provides a reliable web-based central protection settings database and management system for the complete power system substation data for all the Grids and Primary substations in MZEC electrical network, both to manage the various control parameters and to centrally store substation related information and data. It stores and records all settings in a central database, allows modelling of all relevant workflow sequences, provides quick access to relay manuals, interfaces with manufacturer specific relay settings software, and integrates with PowerFactory software.
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  • Going Live of DIgSILENT StationWare Protection Management Project at Saudi Aramco

    Albanah LLC has recently completed the implementation of DIgSILENT StationWare project for Saudi Aramco Company. This project provides a reliable web-based central protection settings database and management system for the complete power system substation data for all substations in SA electrical network, both to manage the various control parameters and to centrally store substation related information and data. StationWare went live on April 30th, 2015. Saudi Aramco uses the system exclusively to issue, report, archive, communicate and manage protection settings and associated documentation.

    The software stores and records all settings in a central database, allows modelling of all relevant workflow sequences, provides quick access to relay manuals, interfaces with manufacturer specific relay settings software, and integrates with PowerFactory software.
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  • DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.2.1 Released

    DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.2.1 Released

    PowerFactory 15.2.1 completes the successful series of PowerFactory version 15 releases. The latest release comes with a broad range of new functions, new electrical models and extensions to the existing modelling suite. Special attention has been paid to improved calculation and simulation performance. Moreover, a variety of new features for improved result visualisation and graphical representation has been made available. With its rich analysis and modelling capabilities, PowerFactory is pe...
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  • DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.2 (Beta) Released

    DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.2 (Beta) Released

    DIgSILENT has made a first Beta Version of PowerFactory 15.2 available for all registered users. PowerFactory 15.2 completes the successful series of PowerFactory version 15 releases. The latest release comes with a broad range of new functions, new electrical models and extensions to the existing modelling suite. Special attention has been paid to improved calculation and simulation performance. Moreover, a variety of new features for improved result visualisation and graphical ...
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  • Submission of StationWare Management System for Dhofar Power Company

    Submission of StationWare Management System for Dhofar Power Company

    Albanah LLC has recently completed the implementation of DIgSILENT StationWare project for Dhofar Power Company [DPC]. This project provides a reliable web-based central protection settings database and management system for the complete power system substation data for all the Grids and Primary substations in DPC electrical network, both to manage the various control parameters and to centrally store substation related information and data. It stores and records all settings in a central database, allows modelling of all relevant workflow sequences, provides quick access to relay manuals, interfaces with manufacturer specific relay settings software, and integrates with PowerFactory software. The Project was completed in two phases. ...
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  • PowerFactory For Thesis (PF4T) Licence

    PowerFactory For Thesis (PF4T) Licence

    Free PowerFactory licenses can be made available to students for implementing a non-sponsored Bachelor / Master / PhD Thesis or Diplomarbeit. Granting such license is limited to those students which have no access to a research license (PF4R) or educational license (PF4E). Provision of a PF4T-license has to undergo an approval process. Functional definitions as well as max. bus limits and time duration is based on an individual approval process.
    • Included functions: as required
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