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DIgSILENT has set standards and trends in power system modelling, analysis and simulation for more than 30 years. It has 3 main products. The famous simulation and analysis PowerFactory software, the reliable central protection settings database and asset management system StationWare, and the integrated, multifunctional data acquisition systems which cover recording, monitoring and analysis of signals PowerFactory Monitor.
DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.2.1 Released
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- Published: 07-11-2014, 12:26 PM
- 1 comment
DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.2.1 Released
PowerFactory 15.2.1 completes the successful series of PowerFactory version 15 releases. The latest release comes with a broad range of new functions, new electrical models and extensions to the existing modelling suite. Special attention has been paid to improved calculation and simulation performance. Moreover, a variety of new features for improved result visualisation and graphical representation has been made available. With its rich analysis and modelling capabilities, PowerFactory is pe...
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DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.2 (Beta) Released
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- Published: 21-09-2014, 10:55 PM
DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.2 (Beta) Released
DIgSILENT has made a first Beta Version of PowerFactory 15.2 available for all registered users. PowerFactory 15.2 completes the successful series of PowerFactory version 15 releases. The latest release comes with a broad range of new functions, new electrical models and extensions to the existing modelling suite. Special attention has been paid to improved calculation and simulation performance. Moreover, a variety of new features for improved result visualisation and graphical ... -
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PowerFactory For Thesis (PF4T) Licence
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- Published: 27-03-2014, 10:32 PM
PowerFactory For Thesis (PF4T) Licence
Free PowerFactory licenses can be made available to students for implementing a non-sponsored Bachelor / Master / PhD Thesis or Diplomarbeit. Granting such license is limited to those students which have no access to a research license (PF4R) or educational license (PF4E). Provision of a PF4T-license has to undergo an approval process. Functional definitions as well as max. bus limits and time duration is based on an individual approval process.
- Included functions: as required
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PowerFactory For Students (PF4S) License
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- Published: 27-03-2014, 10:28 PM
- 1 comment
PowerFactory For Students (PF4S) License
A special Enterprise version of the PowerFactory software is made availabe to students being in the posession of a valid student ID card. The student version (PF4S) is featuring full access to those functions which are required to model and analyze most complex power systems incl. power electronic devices, unbalanced operation or AC/DC systems. All functions are included which are required to simulate steady state operation incl. harmonic loadflow, protection and reliability. Time domain simu...
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PowerFactory For Education (PF4E) License
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- Published: 27-03-2014, 10:23 PM
PowerFactory For Education (PF4E) License
Universities and other educational organizations have now better access to the superior PowerFactory technology. As we observe an increased demand in modeling and simulating modern power systems such as distributed generation incl. wind power, photovoltaics and micro turbines, DIgSILENT has decided to make three special versions of the Enterprise Package available: PF4E, PF4S and PF4T. The educational (PF4E) and student version (PF4S) allow full access to those functions which are required to...
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Dear PowerFactory user,
DIgSILENT has released PowerFactory 2025.
We are pleased to introduce this new...-
Channel: General Announcements
10-11-2023, 05:09 PM -